ATEX/DSEAR/Non-Electrical Equipment Assessment
Date: 1st March 2023 - 09:30 - 16:30
Location: TEAMS
Tutor: Louise Brearley
Fee: £100
Post Covid and Brexit it is perhaps more important than ever to ensure you are up to speed with ATEX Certification.
We have collaborated with SGS Baseefa to create a bespoke ATEX course for BGA Members. The course is online and as we are using an external provider there is a fee which the BGA are subsidising, the whole day is only £100 per delegate for BGA Members.
1 Day Training Course For manufacturers/end users of Gear Drive Systems
In addition to the certification training Baseefas experts will also:
- Make sure you are up to date with your ATEX obligations post Brexit .
- Give the latest information no matter what the current situation is in March 2023.
- Introduction
- The ATEX Product and Workplace Directive (including DSEAR) Module 1
Morning Break
- The ATEX Product and Workplace Directive (including DSEAR) Module 1 (continued)
- Retrospective Ignition Risk Assessment (Existing/Old Equipment) Module 10
Including topical discussions regarding generic gear drive designs/systems
- Components, Equipment, Assemblies & Protective Systems Module 30 (Understanding: ‘Assembly’ of ‘Ex’ Certified Equipment)
Afternoon Break
- Brief insight into the principles of EN 80079-36, -37 & -38 (formerly EN 13463 series)
- (Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres)
- Brief insight into a Non-electrical Technical File format
- (Including basic guidance pack)
- Questions and Answers
* After registration we will contact you to arrange invoicing.
Cancellation: Received in writing by 1 week prior to event – 50% refund, after this date – Nil refund. Please note that replacement delegates will be accepted at any time
Please note that replacement delegate will be accepted at any time. The BGA does not accept liability for any injuries or losses incurred by delegates and / or accompanying persons, nor the loss or damage to their luggage and or personal belongings. Please be aware that the BGA cannot be held responsible for any contractual arrangements you make with hotels for accommodation in the case of cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances.