Join The British Gear Association
The British Gear Association (BGA) is a trade association that promotes the technical and commercial interests of manufacturers, distributors, academics and others involved in the Power Transmissions industry in the United Kingdom.
The Association speaks with authority on behalf of the industry both nationally and internationally and its ability to help companies and individuals involved in the industry is widely recognised by government, the media and industry. The Association is well-represented on British and International Standard committees and provides the Chairman of the British Standards Institution's MCE/5 Committee.
The British Gear Association works tirelessly on behalf of its members, promoting their interests and concerns of members to the government, the media and other trade bodies. Join the British Gear Association to access the support of not just our permanent team, but also of your peers. Becoming a Member of the BGA allows you to access to the accumulated knowledge and experience of the individuals and groups within it. Contribute to specialist forums promoting discussion and problem solving around gearing topics.
As a member of the BGA you will be able to attend our regular events which providing both networking and learning opportunities. You will also get access to a wealth of online resources, such as research study findings and publications that have been created or put forward by members.
Please watch our video below for more details on the BGA Membership.
Here are just a few benefits for you to consider:
Free Online Training
Discounted rates on Knowledge Transfer Seminars and other events
Access to Research Projects and Special Interest Groups (SIGS)
Free access to BGA Standards Library Online
View and download technical publications
Advice on standards
Create a company listing and promote your company at a Focus Session
Submit your news and events on our website
Networking with other members
UK Gear Statistics
Advertise your vacancies
Free STEM kit for school engagement