A major mission of the BGA is to encourage and support the next generation of Engineers in the UK.
When we speak with BGA Members a recurring concern is recruitment problems due to a significant skills gap in the UK.
The BGA have agreed to work on a new initiative to:
a) Identify skill shortages in the UK
b) Promote existing apprenticeships
c) Help members incorporate apprenticeship programmes into their organisation
c) Identify holes in current apprenticeships and create modules to cover the gaps
d) Offer BGA courses to training providers to cover the relevant modules
e) Find and secure any government funding for apprenticeships
We are researching the current status of skill shortages encountered by members and would appreciate you taking a few minutes to fill in our survey here:
All data will be shared anonymously.
We will be using the results of this survey to steer our skills shortage and apprenticeship strategy so the more data we can collect from members the better.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch admin@bga.org.uk