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The BGA IMechE joint Student Prize 2022 winner is Kieran Brothwood from Sunderland University for his MEng project:

"Improve Pitch Error Results From 5-axis Machined Gears"

The judging panel commented:

"An interesting and thorough engineering project and report. The conclusion of returning the rotational axis only to gain most of the benefits is a classic example of good engineering compromise."

"A focused report on a specific problem. Showed good understanding of manufacturing & inspection techniques. Demonstrated experimental approach, showing objectives and methods."

"A well-presented report showing good understanding of a range of technical skills needed to address a really challenging problem. A sensible solution is proposed but more work is needed to understand the root cause of the characteristic. Excellent work."

Kieran has been invited to present his paper the the leading gear experts in the UK at GEARS 2023 in November 2023.

If you would like to apply for the current Student Prize please click here for details and application form .



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The British Gear Association (BGA) is a trade association that promotes the technical and commercial interests of manufacturers, distributors, academics and others involved in the Power Transmissions industry in the United Kingdom.


The Association speaks with authority on behalf of the industry both nationally and internationally and its ability to help companies and individuals involved in the industry is widely recognised by government, the media and industry. The Association is well-represented on British and International Standard committees and provides the Chair of the British Standards Institution's MCE/5 Committee on Gearing.

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